Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blood Bank Centrifuge How Do I Donate To A Public Cord Blood Bank?

How do I donate to a public cord blood bank? - blood bank centrifuge

I'm in about 4 weeks through and I was interested in banking cord blood for research development. All costs incurred by private banks more secure (not covered) and most often for personal use, not used for research or to help others in need. I want my baby to a public cord blood bank to donate (which is free and is used to help others in need and / or research). I ran into a wall trying to find a way to make a donation, as there is no public banks in my area. Does anyone know a way to donate to a public bank, if you are outside your area? If you know that everyone in the Central Valley in California, which would be useful they are.


c0okie's m0m said...

As one of the few who received a transplant of umbilical cord blood, I know how is invaluable. You can find more information at the link I think pointing out how to donate umbilical cord blood. It might take too long in the pregnancy of a donation, but now you can STEMCYTE contact and provide you with a kit to take to the hospital when you are coming into being. This option allows your doctor to collect the cord blood after the birth of your child, especially if the hospital is not a participating hospital.

It is the story of how the cord blood saved my life: ...

rive_sud said...

I'm not 100 percent sure to be me, because there is not much at the time :-), but I'm pretty sure he said a little earlier in our application for the hospital and again when we are in the L & D room. Refer to hospital. Questions are more than boring.

State-owned banks to do the right thing is :-)

GØ®GÉØܧ Mî§y said...

To be honest is the best way to talk to your gynecologist and should give you an idea of what to do. You can also contact the Red Cross and believe can provide the information.

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